Bespoke CRM & ERP Development

Bespoke CRM & ERP Development

Custom CRM &
ERP Development

Providing you with bespoke CRM & ERP Development services. We help you reach your business goals by offering you professional bespoke CRM or ERP systems that are great additions to your existing software systems.

How a Bespoke CRM or ERP will benefit you

We all understand the hassle of managing customer information without amounting to countless spreadsheets that are easy to lose track of, especially as your organisation grows and becomes more successful. Here at CodePixi, we wish to help you consolidate customer information in a comprehensive bespoke CRM system that will completely change and enhance the way you provide your customers with the best possible version of your services.

How Bespoke CRM helps smaller organisations

How Bespoke CRM Helps Smaller Organisations

We help provide you with a bespoke CRM system that will keep all of your customer information in one central place and ready for use. By maximising your efficiency in being able to access accurate customer information easily, we help you minimise errors.

It is important for smaller organisations to have a straightforward and clear-cut system that keeps their customer information precisely grouped to avoid mistakes that could impact customer orders or offered services.

A great and easy to use bespoke CRM system will also minimise the loss of customer information and accidentally casualties.

How custom CRM helps larger organisations

How Bespoke CRM Helps Larger Organisations

A great bespoke CRM system can help bring your departments together. At CodePixi, we know that helping larger organisations keep track of how their departments are running is very important, and therefore, we want to help make this process as easy and streamlined as possible for you.

By combining several different points of interest into one bespoke CRM system, we maximise and pinpoint opportunities and act on them with an agile methodology.

For example, a bespoke Salesforce CRM system can help improve sales and marketing by offering customers personalised and custom-made experiences based on simple data consolidation.

How Akoom helps tailor Custom CRM & ERP development to you

How CodePixi helps tailor Bespoke CRM & ERP development to you

At CodePixi, we pride ourselves on our mission to create custom-made and perfectly tailored bespoke software for all customers.
Because of this, we know that we will not be satisfied until you have a bespoke CRM system that perfectly fits you and your organisational needs.

We strive to create a streamlined system that will strengthen departmental cooperation for maximised results.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Contact CodePixi today to discover custom solutions that will take your business to the next level of efficiency and innovation.

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CodePixi offers bespoke software systems that are built around your needs

A bespoke CRM system built by CodePixi will

Enable companies to add as many users as they require without the need to purchase separate licenses for each additional user

Custom integrates with key systems and applications you already have in place

Include features that can be turned on and off, so it can easily adapt to the business needs tailoring a custom solution depending on the business processes already in place

Allow companies to create different dashboards for different departments

Allows for roles and individual permissions according to authority level

Give companies secure access to their data 24/7 from any web-connected PC, tablet, laptop or smartphone

Enable companies to quickly and simply produce tailored reports at the touch of a button, pulling data from across an organisation to give a view that’s wider than each individual department

A scalable system that will grow in sync with your company needs

Our process to building your custom bespoke CRM system

We the process of building you a bespoke CRM system by listening to your needs and taking into consideration any existing organisational software systems you may already have in place. Taking what you tell them your requirements are, they’ll be able to resolve any existing issues and improve already working processes that may not be maximised to their fullest potential.

What CRM system benefits are

Using a bespoke CRM system can minimise the loss of important customer information, such as current customer relationships along with possible potential customers’ contact details. An easy to follow and straightforward system can help you view customer information efficiently whilst also monitoring and managing departmental productivity. As much as a bespoke CRM system can be used to store customer information, it can also help different departments such as those focused on marketing and sales, come together and form plans of action on attracting more customers. Having conveniently laid out information based on data collection will help departments identify unexplored opportunities and improve customer numbers.

How CodePixi customises your
bespoke CRM system

Our developers identify your needs and build a system completely tailored to you and your organisation. CodePixi developers won’t simply recycle older CRM systems previously made but instead start from the beginning and put together something that is personalised only to you and your organisation. This way you have a guarantee that everything you need solved will be taken care of by the CRM system we build for you.

What an ERP system is

A ERP system, a ‘Enterprise Resource Planning’ system, is another tool that helps minimise the complexity of organisation-wide managing. What this means is that a bespoke ERP system helps you manage several parts of your organisation without needing to consult contrasting information deposits. Instead, an ERP system streamlines diverse organisational activities and helps you manage operations regarding financials, inventories and human resources, to name a few. A bespoke ERP system may also contain an integrated CRM system.

Unlock Your Business Potential with Bespoke CRM and ERP Solutions

In today's competitive business landscape, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. Bespoke CRM and ERP solutions from CodePixi are designed to streamline your operations, improve customer relationships, and provide you with real-time insights for informed decision-making. By integrating Business Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence Solutions, our custom-built systems are tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring you get the maximum benefit from your investment. Discover how our bespoke CRM and ERP solutions can transform your business operations and drive growth.


What is custom CRM & ERP development, and how can it benefit my business?


Custom CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) development involve creating tailored software solutions to manage customer interactions and optimise business processes. CodePixi designs custom CRM and ERP systems that specifically cater to your business needs, resulting in improved efficiency, streamlined workflows, and better decision-making.

What is the difference between custom and bespoke CRM & ERP?


The terms custom and bespoke are often used interchangeably when referring to CRM and ERP solutions. Both custom and bespoke CRM & ERP systems are tailored to fit the specific needs and requirements of your business. They are designed to address unique challenges, streamline processes, and optimise workflows. While "custom" generally implies a solution built from scratch, "bespoke" may imply adapting or modifying an existing solution to better suit your needs. Regardless of the terminology used, CodePixi focuses on delivering personalised CRM and ERP systems that align with your business objectives and drive meaningful results.

How does CodePixi approach custom CRM & ERP development?


Our team at CodePixi follows a client-centric approach. We begin by understanding your unique business requirements, existing processes, and desired outcomes. Then, we design and develop a custom CRM and/or ERP solution that aligns with your objectives and integrates seamlessly with your existing systems.

Can CodePixi integrate my custom CRM & ERP with other business software?


Absolutely! CodePixi can integrate your custom CRM and ERP systems with other software platforms, ensuring seamless data flow and enhanced collaboration across your organisation. We ensure compatibility and smooth integration with your existing systems to maximise efficiency.