Microservices & API's Development

Microservices & API’s

Microservices & API’s Development

Microservices architecture is getting a lot of attention these days and being used by Uber, Netflix, Linkedin, and many other companies. In a rapidly growing engineering organisation, it can be difficult to keep track of all the efforts underway.

This kind of growth demands a process to prevent duplicating work across teams. We can develop your project using a Microservices architecture and you’ll be able to only benefit from this.

Monolithic vs Microservices Applications?

Monolithic Architecture
Monolithic Architecture is a system designed to contain a lot of modules inside a single application. These systems can grow really big and can have slow performance, single point of failure and maintenance is challenging most of the time.
Microservices Architecture
Microservices Architecture is a system where every feature is its own application. Each application is a separate entity hosted in their own server and the communication between them is made through Restful API’s.

Benefits of using a Microservices Architecture

A CRM system built by CodePixi will

 Ability to scale up/down individual components instead of the whole application

Ability to scale up/down individual components instead of the whole application

Easier maintenance

Easier maintenance

 Agile and flexible

Agile and flexible

Mixed technology stack

Mixed technology stack

Quality Development can be done by distributed teams in parallel

Quality Development can be done by distributed teams in parallel

 Each microservice can be deployed independently

Each microservice can be deployed independently

 Testing and isolation of specific components

Testing and isolation of specific components

Each component can function without depending on the other ones

Each component can function without depending on the other ones

Deploying to Amazon Web Services

We setup and deploy your Microservices Applications to AWS offering you easy access and
intuitive management interface.

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Contact CodePixi today to discover custom solutions that will take your business to the next level of efficiency and innovation.

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What are microservices, and how do they differ from traditional monolithic architectures?


Microservices are a software architecture pattern where applications are broken down into small, independent, and loosely coupled services. Each microservice is responsible for a specific functionality and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. In contrast, traditional monolithic architectures consist of a single, unified codebase with all the application's functionalities. Microservices offer greater flexibility, scalability, and maintainability compared to monolithic architectures.

How does CodePixi approach microservices and API development?


At CodePixi, we follow best practices and industry standards to design and develop efficient, scalable, and secure microservices and APIs. Our team collaborates closely with you to understand your business requirements, existing systems, and desired outcomes, ensuring that our solutions align with your objectives and provide seamless integration with your software ecosystem.

What is API development, and why is it important?


API (Application Programming Interface) development involves creating a set of rules and protocols that enable different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs are crucial for integrating various systems and services, facilitating data exchange, and enhancing the functionality of your applications. Well-designed APIs can improve the user experience, streamline workflows, and promote innovation in your software ecosystem.

Can CodePixi help migrate my existing monolithic application to a microservices architecture?


Yes, CodePixi can assist you in transitioning your existing monolithic application to a microservices architecture. Our team will carefully analyse your current system, identify opportunities for breaking it down into microservices, and create a migration plan to ensure a smooth and efficient transition.

How does CodePixi ensure the security and performance of the microservices and APIs they development?


CodePixi prioritises security and performance in all our microservices and API development projects. We implement industry-standard security measures, such as authentication, authorisation, and encryption, to safeguard your data and services. Additionally, we optimise the performance of our microservices and APIs through efficient coding practices, load balancing, and caching strategies, ensuring your systems run smoothly and reliably.